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More About the Workbooks

All my clients receive an appropriate a Workbook.

Our Family in Two Homes (for couples with children)

 Our Family in a Few Homes (for couples without children or without dependent children)

Designing our Future Together (for Prenups, post nups and relationship agreements)

The workbooks allow you to privately and in your own time, before we meet, explore how you think and feel about each of the decisions you have to make.  The exercises are intended to help you learn about yourself - your needs, concerns and hopes. It helps identify your communication pattern with your partner or former partner, so that when we work together, we can be most effective.  

What you write in the workbook is for your own reflection. Our sessions together offer the opportunity for you to appropriately share the things needed of each other to understand about yourselves and your hopes and thoughts for the future.

This is good solid work. It’ll save you time and therefore money for the work we do together.  Please take the time to do the workbook (the pages I ask you to do at various stages) as it’ll really help you and me.